Enhancing eye tracking for nonhuman primates and other subjects unable to follow instructions: Adaptive calibration and validation of Tobii eye trackers with the Titta toolbox

Niehorster, D.C., Whitham, W., Lake, B.R., Schapiro, S.J., Andolina, I.M., & Yorzinski, J.L. 2025. Enhancing eye tracking for nonhuman primates and other subjects unable to follow instructions: Adaptive calibration and validation of Tobii eye trackers with the Titta toolbox. Behavior Research Methods 57: 4.

Predator gaze captures both human and chimpanzee attention

Whitham, W., Karstadt, B., Anderson, N.C., Bischof, W.F., Schapiro, S.J., Kingstone, A., Coss, R., Birmingham, E., & Yorzinski, J.L. 2024. Predator gaze captures both human and chimpanzee attention. PLoS One 19(11): e0311673.

Preening correlates with lower feather bacteria abundance but not feather coloration in a lek-breeding bird

Florkowski, M., deBlonk, K., Yorzinski, J.L. 2024. Preening correlates with lower feather bacteria abundance but not feather coloration in a lek-breeding bird. Journal of Avian Biology

Brief exposure to captivity in a songbird is associated with reduced diversity and altered composition of the gut microbiome

Florkowski, M.R., Hamer, S. A. & Yorzinski, J.L. 2023. Brief exposure to captivity in a songbird is associated with reduced diversity and altered composition of the gut microbiome. FEMS Microbiology Ecology

Reward history modulates visual attention in an avian model

Liao, M.R., Dillard, M.H., Hour, J.L., Barnett, J.A., Whitten, J.S., Valles, A.C., Heatley, J.J., Anderson, B.A., & Yorzinski, J.L. 2023. Reward history modulates visual attention in an avian model. Animal Cognition.

Gut microbiome diversity and composition is associated with exploratory behavior in a wild-caught songbird

Florkowski, M.R. & Yorzinski, J.L. 2023. Gut microbiome diversity and composition is associated with exploratory behavior in a wild-caught songbird. Animal Microbiome 5:8.

A songbird can detect the eyes of conspecifics under daylight and artificial nighttime lighting

Yorzinski, J.L., Troscianko, J., Briolat, E., Schapiro, S.J., & Whitham, W. 2022. A songbird can detect the eyes of conspecifics under daylight and artificial nighttime lighting. Environmental Pollution 313: 120000.

Dopamine receptor activation elicits a possible stress-related coping behavior in a songbird

Florkowski, M.R. & Yorzinski, J.L. 2022. Dopamine receptor activation elicits a possible stress-related coping behavior in a songbird. PeerJ 10: e13520.

Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) gaze is conspicuous at ecologically-relevant distances

Whitham, W., Schapiro, S.J., Troscianko, J., & Yorzinski, J.L. 2022. Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) gaze is conspicuous at ecologically-relevant distances. Scientific Reports 12: 9249.

Circulating hormones and dominance status predict female behavior during courtship in a lekking species

Earl, A.D., Kimmitt, A.A., & Yorzinski, J.L. 2022. Circulating hormones and dominance status predict female behavior during courtship in a lekking species. Integrative and Comparative Biology.