Niehorster, D.C., Whitham, W., Lake, B.R., Schapiro, S.J., Andolina, I.M., & Yorzinski, J.L. 2025. Enhancing eye tracking for nonhuman primates and other subjects unable to follow instructions: Adaptive calibration and validation of Tobii eye trackers with the Titta toolbox. Behavior Research Methods 57: 4. PDF
Whitham, W., Karstadt, B., Anderson, N.C., Bischof, W.F., Schapiro, S.J., Kingstone, A., Coss, R., Birmingham, E., & Yorzinski, J.L. 2024. Predator gaze captures both human and chimpanzee attention. PLoS One 19(11): e0311673. PDF
Florkowski, M., deBlonk, K., Yorzinski, J.L. 2024. Preening correlates with lower feather bacteria abundance but not feather coloration in a lek-breeding bird. Journal of Avian Biology PDF
Florkowski, M.R., Hamer, S. A. & Yorzinski, J.L. 2023. Brief exposure to captivity in a songbird is associated with reduced diversity and altered composition of the gut microbiome. FEMS Microbiology Ecology PDF
Liao, M.R., Dillard, M.H., Hour, J.L., Barnett, J.A., Whitten, J.S., Valles, A.C., Heatley, J.J., Anderson, B.A., & Yorzinski, J.L. 2023. Reward history modulates visual attention in an avian model. Animal Cognition. PDF
Florkowski, M.R. & Yorzinski, J.L. 2023. Gut microbiome diversity and composition is associated with exploratory behavior in a wild-caught songbird. Animal Microbiome 5:8. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L., Troscianko, J., Briolat, E., Schapiro, S.J., & Whitham, W. 2022. A songbird can detect the eyes of conspecifics under daylight and artificial nighttime lighting. Environmental Pollution 313: 120000. PDF
Florkowski, M.R. & Yorzinski, J.L. 2022. Dopamine receptor activation elicits a possible stress-related coping behavior in a songbird. PeerJ 10: e13520. PDF
Whitham, W., Schapiro, S.J., Troscianko, J., & Yorzinski, J.L. 2022. Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) gaze is conspicuous at ecologically-relevant distances. Scientific Reports 12: 9249. PDF
Earl, A.D., Kimmitt, A.A., & Yorzinski, J.L. 2022. Circulating hormones and dominance status predict female behavior during courtship in a lekking species. Integrative and Comparative Biology. PDF
Whitham, W., Schapiro, S.J., Troscianko, J., & Yorzinski, J.L. 2022. The gaze of a social monkey is perceptible to conspecifics and predators but not prey. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Series 289: 20220194. PDF
Earl, A.D., Simpson, R.K., & Yorzinski, J.L. 2022. Dominant females have brighter ornamentation in a sexually dimorphic lekking species. Ethology 128: 85-93. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. 2021. Great-tailed grackles can independently direct their eyes toward different targets. Experimental Brain Research
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Yorzinski, J.L., Harbourne, A., & Thompson, W. 2021. Sclera color in humans facilitates gaze perception during daytime and nighttime. PloS One 16(3): e0249137. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L., Thorstenson, C.A., & Nguyen, T.P. 2021. Sclera and iris color interact to influence gaze perception. Frontiers in Psychology 12: 632616. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L., Walker, M.K., & Cavalier, R. 2021. A songbird strategically modifies its blinking behavior when viewing human faces. Animal Cognition. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. 2020. A songbird inhibits blinking behaviour in flight. Biology Letters 16: 20200786.
NY Times
Yorzinski, J.L. & Miller, J. 2020. Sclera color enhances gaze perception in humans. PLoS ONE 15(2): e0228275. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. 2020. Blinking behavior in great-tailed grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus) increases during simulated rainfall. Ethology. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. & Coss, R.G. 2020. Animals in upright postures attract attention in humans. Evolutionary Psychological Science 6: 30-37.
Yorzinski, J.L. 2019. Conjugate eye movements guide jumping locomotion in an avian species. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: 1-8. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. & Argubright, S. 2019. Wind increases blinking behavior in great-tailed grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 330. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L., Tovar, M. E., & Coss, R.G. 2018. Forward-facing predators attract attention in humans (Homo sapiens). Journal of Comparative Psychology PDF
Yorzinski, J.L., Lam, J., Schultz, R., & Davis, M. 2018. Thermoregulatory postures limit antipredator responses in peafowl. Biology Open 7: 1-7. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L., Ordonez, K., & Chema, K. 2017. Does artificial light pollution impair problem-solving success in peafowl? Ethology: 1-7. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L., Patricelli, G.L., Bykau, S., & Platt, M.L. 2017. Selective attention in peacocks during assessment of displaying rivals. Journal of Experimental Biology 220:1146-1153.
Austin American Statesman
Experimental Biology
Yorzinski, J.L. 2017. The cognitive basis of individual recognition. Current Opinion in Behavioural Sciences 16:53-57. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. 2016. Eye blinking in an avian species is associated with gaze shifts. Scientific Reports 6: 32471. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. & Hermann, F.S. 2016. Noise pollution has limited effects on nocturnal vigilance in peahens. PeerJ 4: e2525. PDF
Nichols, M.R. & Yorzinski, J.L. 2016. Peahens can differentiate between the antipredator calls of individual conspecifics. Animal Behaviour 112: 23-27. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L., Chisholm, S., Byerley, S., Coy, J.R., Aziz, A.B., Wolf, J.A., Gnerlich, A. 2015. Artificial light pollution increases nocturnal vigilance in peahens. PeerJ 3: e1174. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L., Patricelli, G.L., Platt, M.L., & Land, M.F. 2015. Eye and head movements shape gaze shifts in Indian peafowl. Journal of Experimental Biology 218: 3771-3776. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L., Platt, M.L., & Adams, G. 2015. Eye-spots in Lepidoptera attract attention in humans. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150155. PDF
Tyrrell, L.P., Butler, S. R., Yorzinski, J.L., Fernández-Juricic, E. 2014. A novel system for bi-ocular eye-tracking in vertebrates with laterally placed eyes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L., Penkunas, M.J., Platt, M.L., & Coss, R.C. 2014. Dangerous animals capture and maintain attention in humans. Evolutionary Psychology. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. & Anoop, K.R. 2013. Peacock copulation calls attract distant females. Behaviour 150: 61-74. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L., Patricelli, G.L., Babcock, J., Pearson, J.M. & Platt, M.L. 2013. Through their eyes: selective attention in peahens during courtship. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 3035-3046.
NY Times
Scientific American
Duke University
Live Science
Science Daily
Duke University
New York Times
Discover Magazine
Yorzinski, J.L. & Platt, M.L. 2012. The difference between night and day: antipredator behavior in birds. Journal of Ethology 30: 211-218. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. & Patricelli, G.L. 2010. Birds adjust acoustic directionality to beam antipredator calls to predators and conspecifics. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 277: 923-932.
Yorzinski, J.L. & Platt, M.L. 2010. Same-sex gaze attraction influences mate-choice copying in humans. Plos One 5(2): e9115.
Psychology Today
Yorzinski, J.L. & Vehrencamp, S.L. 2009. The effect of predator type and danger level on the mob calls of the American crow. Condor 111: 159-168. PDF
Laidre, M.E. & Yorzinski, J.L 2008. Offspring protection by male mandrills, Mandrillus sphinx. Primate Report 76: 33-40. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. & Vehrencamp, S.L. 2008. Preliminary report: antipredator behaviors of mandrills. Primate Report 75:11-18. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. & Ziegler, T. 2007. Do naïve primates recognize the vocalizations of felid predators? Ethology 113(12): 1219–1227.
Science Daily
Yorzinski, J.L., Vehrencamp, S.L., Clark, A.B., & McGowan, K.J. 2006. The inflected alarm caw of the American crow: differences in acoustic structure among individuals and sexes. Condor 108: 518-529.
NY Times
Laidre, M.E. & Yorzinski, J.L. 2005. The silent bared-teeth face and the crest-raise of the mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx): a contextual analysis of signal function. Ethology 111(2): 143-157. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. & Whitham, W. 2022. Sensation, perception, and attention. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Comparative Psychology (T. Freeberg, P. d’Ettorre and A. Ridley, eds). Pp. 61-70.
Yorzinski, J.L. 2010. Predator recognition in the absence of selection. In: Indonesian Primates, Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects (S. Gursky-Doyen and J. Supriatna, eds). Springer Press. PDF
Yorzinski, J.L. 2018. Review of Understanding Animal Behaviour, by Rory Putman. Journal of Wildlife Management 82: 1555.